Solo at Sea: A Comedy of Buffets, Books, and Bon Voyage

When conducting a job interview, I tend to ask strange and unexpected questions. I remember one time I asked a job candidate what their worst enemy would say about them and it threw everyone in the room off their game. I remember my coworker doing a slow burn look of confusion towards me.  I was

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Swifties, We Need to Talk: Taylor Swift Doesn’t Owe Us Anything!

Josh’s Note: The pollen count in Florida was off the charts when I wrote this and, as a result, I was popping my allergy medicine like it was candy so… this is probably the most unhinged and chaotic thing I’ve written in a while and I regret nothing. Hey there, fellow Swifties! Grab your snake

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New Year, Same Mess

This morning I discovered the real reason why you shouldn’t scroll social media first thing after waking up in the morning. Sure, there are psychological reasons for it but the cleanliness of my home and good fortune in the new year have been put in jeopardy by scrolling through Facebook upon starting my January 1st.

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A Christmas Story: Not a Jolly Tale for Everyone

It’s Christmas Eve and it’s got me feeling some kind of way. I’ve never really been big on the holiday, even as a kid, it always stressed me out. I hated having to open presents in front of everyone. I don’t know why but it stressed me out. I remember asking one year if I

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Send in the (Taylor Swift) Clowns

I can’t sleep so y’all are getting a completely random blog post and I will not apologize for it. Seriously, I’ve been awake since 4am, it’s not 6am, my alarm is going off at 7am and this won’t post until 7pm. Anyone who knows me, knows that I’m a late in life Swiftie. When she

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The End; or, The Impossible Art of Letting Go

Finishing a novel is the weirdest thing in the world. At least for me. At least now it is. I shall explain (in my own way which will likely only make sense to me but you’ve already started reading so you might as well commit and finish the whole thing… NO ONE LIKES A QUITTER!).

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We Never Lived in a Mansion (But We Sure Thought We Did)

I had a weird ass dream last night that took me back to a house that we lived in when we were kids. It’s the house we moved to after my parents officially divorced. My dad went off to live with his girlfriend and my mom moved us in with her boyfriend. It was a

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Breaking News: The Halloween Horror Nights Heartbreak

Oh, gather ’round, my faithful readers, for I have some shocking news to share. Brace yourselves, for it’s a revelation that even I’m having trouble digesting—this year, I will not be attending Halloween Horror Nights. Yes, you heard that right! It’s an event that’s been synonymous with my personal brand for years, and I’m feeling

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The Sneaky Return of the Not-So-Prolific Blogger

Oh, hello there! Remember me? The blogger who mysteriously vanished into thin air, leaving you all in a state of suspense, desperately wondering what on earth had happened? Well, fear not, my dear readers, for I have returned from the depths of… well, wherever I was hiding, to grace you with my ever-erratic presence once

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I Moved and Now the White Claw Bandit is Out of a Job

I know it’s been a while since I’ve updated and I only have myself to blame. Ever since the move, I’ve had a hard time adjusting to a new schedule for life. The move-in process has been slow-going and every time I start to get some work done around the house, I get overwhelmed and

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